速報APP / 運動 / Humpback Whale Sounds!

Humpback Whale Sounds!


檔案大小:105.3 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 7.1 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Humpback Whale Sounds!(圖1)-速報App

BLUETOOTH COMPATIBLE real humpback whale sounds app provides you sounds for whales and ocean sounds at your fingertips. These humpback whale sounds are clear, crisp, lifelike and recorded from real whales. 5 whale soundtracks included. Simply connect the app to any Bluetooth speaker and you have an instant whale electronic caller system (where legal).


- 5 REAL humpback whale sounds

- Effective, realistic and clear audio

- Bluetooth compatible to sync to a Bluetooth speaker

Humpback Whale Sounds!(圖2)-速報App

- These Sounds for Whales can play in the background of your phone allowing you to text, take pictures and surf the internet without disrupting the whale sounds

- Connect to your speaker system with audio cables or Bluetooth (cables not included)

- No more forgetting to grab your MP3 player or memory cards, you always have your phone with you

- E-Calling audio for whales at a fraction of the cost of purchasing multiple soundtracks and memory cards separately

Soundtracks included in “Humpback Whale Sounds"

Humpback Whale Sounds!(圖3)-速報App

- Humpback Whale In Ocean – Whale Sounds

- Humpback Whale Blowhole – Whale Sounds

- Whale Singing & Wave Sounds 1 – Whale Sounds

- Whale Singing & Wave Sounds 2 – Whale Sounds

- Distant Whale Song – Whale Sounds

Humpback Whale Sounds!(圖4)-速報App

Download “Humpback Whale Sounds" today!

Humpback Whale Sounds!(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad